How to Create Learning Videos
Create learning videos to support your classroom instruction or share with learners on a knowledge base, LMS or website. Choose from a wide range of video creation techniques, like 2D vector animation, whiteboard animation or slideshow presentation, to create videos that are engaging and easy to digest.
Start with a compelling visual or sound to engage learners in the first few seconds. This could be an enticing image, a memorable quote that supports your educational content, smart statistics or a question to stimulate thought. Once you have a hook, introduce your instructor or subject matter expert in a way that is authentic and relatable to keep viewers engaged. For example, this video on states of matter by middle school science teacher Demi Lager demonstrates a relaxed and personal tone to connect with her audience.
Break your instructional video into logically ordered sections to prevent cognitive overload and encourage viewer engagement. Our brains can only process so much information at a time, and our attention wanders when we’re overwhelmed. To help your audience stay focused, make sure your video is no longer than 3 minutes and focuses on one clear objective.
Storyboard your educational video by putting together a sequence of frames that represent the shots or’scenes’ in your video. This will allow you to visualize what your finished video will look like and ensure that all the critical concepts are covered in a short amount of time. lernvideos erstellen