Dealing With Sex Addiction
Like other addictions, sex addiction causes people to neglect their family or work responsibilities in favor of satisfying sexual urges. This behavior can result in financial problems, job loss or divorce. It can also increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and genital herpes.
People who struggle with sex addiction may not realize how much it impacts their quality of life. Often, their relationships suffer, and they can have trouble sleeping at night. They might spend too much time on the Internet looking at pornography or engaging in other sexual activities. Those with sex addiction may feel ashamed or guilty about their behaviors.
It’s important for parents to talk to their teens about sex addiction. It’s a difficult topic, and they need to be prepared for some resistance, but it’s important for the health of their children. Parents should try to bring up the subject from a place of love and concern, and they can ask their children for help in dealing with their sex addiction.
There are several treatment options for sex addiction. Some people benefit from cognitive behavioral therapy, which teaches them to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. Other people find relief through medications, including anti-androgens and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Several studies have shown that the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous can be helpful for those with sex addiction. This is a group-based approach that emphasizes acknowledging powerlessness and a willingness to live without addiction.